Dentures: A Tooth Restoration Solution for All Ages

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — mysoleildental @ 6:07 pm
a young adult visiting their dentist to receive dentures

Dentures are a tried-and-true solution for replacing teeth, and over the years, these innovative prosthetics have assisted countless generations of patients with missing pearly whites. But one common misconception surrounding dentures is that they’re only suited for older patients—after all, they’re certainly prevalent among that demographic. However, dentures remain a feasible solution for patients of virtually all ages with missing teeth. Keep reading to learn more!

Dentures Aren’t Just for Seniors

It’s true that dentures are often associated with old age, but there’s no age limit on replacing missing teeth with lifelike prosthetics. The aging process notably contributes to tooth loss, which is part of why mature adults often need and turn toward dentures; however, age is far from the only factor involved! Younger people can lose teeth too, whether it’s from chronically poor oral hygiene, physical trauma, or some other type of issue/lifestyle factor. Dentures are a convenient, non-surgical option that allows patients of all ages and walks of life to regain a fully functional and beautiful smile!

When Dentures Are Necessary

It’s important to note that dentures aren’t always necessary when patients have missing teeth; if you’re only missing one or a couple of pearly whites, a bridge might also be a recommended option, or even a dental implant (although this option is only available to eligible candidates with adequate jawbone density). However, dentures are the practical solution for those missing multiple teeth or one or both arches. A few common reasons for needing dentures include:

  • Severe tooth decay that has led to irreparably damaged teeth
  • Periodontitis, an advanced stage of gum disease that causes gum recession and damage to the jaw that results in tooth loss
  • Poor nutrition that has contributed to chronically poor oral health
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)
  • Physical impact or trauma
  • Other underlying health conditions such as diabetes

Tips for Maintaining Dentures

Even though dentures are designed to replace teeth, they do not replace the need to care for your smile! Patients of all ages will still need to diligently care for their dentures to ensure they last and remain intact. Here are some tips to assist with this:

  • Follow all oral hygiene guidelines concerning your dentures; they must be kept clean via brushing and soaking, and you shouldn’t wear them 24/7 as this can lead to complications and possible damage to your mouth and the restoration alike.
  • Visit your dentist regularly so that they can inspect your smile and ensure that your dentures aren’t damaged or compromised. Ill-fitting dentures need to be adjusted with the assistance of a professional—you won’t be able to correctly do it yourself!

Having missing teeth is a serious issue that shouldn’t be neglected; if left unaddressed, it can cause all sorts of other undesirable issues including the likelihood of additional teeth falling out! That said, don’t hesitate to ask your dentist about dentures; they aren’t just for seniors and can easily help you to rebuild your smile and confidence!

About the Practice

The team at Soleil Dental proudly serves the dental needs of Dallas, TX, and the surrounding metroplex! Under the leadership of Dr. Diana Vazquez and Dr. Jose Aldana, they offer a comprehensive range of treatment options including tooth-restoration solutions like dentures and partials. If you have any questions about the blog or you’d like to arrange a visit for you or a loved one, feel free to contact the practice online or over the phone for further assistance: (214) 304-2112.

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